With the waterfall almost complete, and with one lone fish (Ghandi), we decided it was time to start restocking the pond.
Thanks to Craigslist, we found Loyd & Karen, from whom we acquired five new koi last night. The smallest is a blue, probably a few months old, and the largest is a solid white about 3 years old. Ironically, it was those two who were the feistiest and kept jumping out of the cooler (in which we were transporting them) at the seller's house. Big White also did a bit of jumping around on the grass here at home before we chased him down and got him into the pond! (All others surrendered peacefully.)
This morning everyone's still in the pond (yay) and Ghandi seems ecstatic. They're all swimming happily over, under and around each other, like puppies at a dog park.