Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 8

Today is, technically, Day 8 since the filter was launched.

Over the weekend we bought a bunch of plants and put them in the filter: water hyacinth, pickerel, taro ("elephant ear") and umbrella plant. The water hyacinth is suffering. I think it's because the salt content in the water was rather high when we added them. I have since flushed the pond somewhat...could probably do it again in a few days.

We also bought some fertilizer pellets. Sunday morning we pulled up the lilies and added the fertilizer. So far this year the lilies have not done well. I think that, too, is because of all the salt I had added in the Fall.

In the Fall I dosed the pond with about 25 pounds of salt because some of the fish were showing signs of ulcers. By Spring, when they came out of hibernation, only one still had a spot on his side but by now he's all healthy again. Unfortunately, though, my large orange butterfly koi ("Red Guy") now acts as though he's having eye problems. Could be the infection spread to him and to his eyes. He still has a healthy appetite and tries to feed along with the others, but his aim is off. And sometimes he shakes his head like a teenager trying to toss the hair out of his face. If he has gone blind, I believe it's only in one eye, as he still reacts to seeing me by the side of the pond.

In spite of our stirring everything up with our work this weekend, the pond is beginning to look clearer to me. YAY!