Returning from a lovely week-long vacation, we find that the replacement pump has not yet been received. Under normal circumstances, we wouldn't sweat it, as a phone call to Beckett assures us it is on its way, and since we have the system set up with two pumps on a Y. However, now pump #2 is threatening to crump. It's cycling on and off. DAMN! Steve's off to Home Depot to buy a pump.
Oh, joy and rapture. While we wait for the two 1800 gph pumps to be replaced, Steve's buying a 3500 gph pump. Granted, we need it to keep the filtration functioning until the others arrive (some day), but we really hadn't planned to hemorrhage money on a vacation and then come back and tip the pond gods for it.
pond (pŏnd): noun. A big hole in the ground you throw money into. Also known as "shit happens."
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