Thursday, April 2, 2009

The carnage continues

3/25 - I'm in Spokane on business. Steve and Sara remove approximately 1/3 of the total water volume from the pond and add PimaFix.

3/29 - The poor sot I was calling Pinky (because he was a white butterfly who had turned so pink with the hemorrhagic crap) dies.

3/30 - Large yellow butterfly dies. Pond was refilled to capacity. Fish seemed to enjoy the fresh water.

4/2 - Torpedo, the really large standard koi, is dead today.

God, this is bullshit. Times like this (and this is - what - the third pond holocaust I've had?) make me want to just fill in the damn thing or throw in some mosquito fish and plants and let it be a water garden. When I tried that with crappy goldfish, though, I missed having koi.

We now have the following koi left alive:
  • Bonawitz, the chocolate koi given to me as a gift by Marcia
  • Sparkles, the shimmery white butterfly koi
  • Sparkles' evil twin, the non-shimmery white standard koi
  • Ghandi, the butterfly that started out with one simple black dot on his forehead
  • One yellow standard koi (no name)